Monday, November 16, 2009

DWI Lawyers In Washington DC

The consequences and repercussions of being charged and convicted of a DUI/DWI offense in Washington DC can be very serious. Those arrested on this type of charge can expect anything from a crippling fine to a prison sentence, depending on the circumstances. Many of the people charged with DUI/DWI in Washington DC are unaware that there are various ways of challenging the situation, and with the right defense you could benefit from a reduced sentence and in some cases even dropped charges.

The first thing you need to do if you have been arrested for this type of offense is enlist the help of a Washington DC DUI/DWI lawyer. There are a number of ways in which your arrest and the circumstances surrounding it can be questioned and challenged to your advantage, and your Washington DC DUI/DWI lawyer will know which areas to target and how to get the judge to look more critically at evidence and circumstances. The assistance and expertise of a Washington DC DUI/DWI lawyer could make a big difference to the outcome of your case.

Your Washington DC DUI/DWI lawyer may question and challenge various factors relating to your arrest and the charges against you. This may include questioning the effectiveness of the equipment used to determine your blood alcohol levels, ensuring that the arrest was carried out by the book and that you were made fully aware of your rights, and challenging the evidence against you. An experienced Washington DC DUI/DWI lawyer will know exactly which areas to target, and will provide you with a sound and solid defense.

When you contact a Washington DC DUI/DWI lawyer he or she will be able to advise you on the type and nature of the penalty that you might expect based on the circumstances surrounding your arrest. The expertise and specialist skills of your lawyer could mean that you get a reduced penalty and in some cases could even result in charges against you being dropped altogether.
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