Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dallas DWI Attorneys – Your Best Defense

Getting charged with a DWI is a very serious offense and can carry some stiff penalties. Have you ever thought about the consequences you will face after a DWI charge? To put it simply, your world will be turned upside down. Jail time, probation, court costs, restitution fees, legal fees and insurance hikes are a few of the consequences that you will be facing. There is even the possibility of having your license suspended or revoked and your vehicle impounded. Now is the time to contact a Dallas DWI lawyer if you are facing a DWI charge.

Without a doubt, the way to avoid all of this is to not drink and drive. You will avoid the possibility of seriously injuring yourself or killing someone else. If you are unfortunate and have been charged with a DWI, there are people who will help you fight your case in a court of law. Dallas DWI attorneys are experts in DWI cases, as well as DUI cases. They know that it is the responsibility of the state to prove your guilt.

The elements, that need to be proven in your case, are what the state will present to a jury. The jury will need to follow the guidelines or laws, that are set by the judge, to apply proof to the elements that the state has gathered. A jury will give a guilty or not guilty verdict after the elements have been proven to be factual, under the laws that the judge set.

Before an arrest can be made, an officer of the law has to follow very detailed steps to determine whether or not an arrest is warranted. Chemical and field sobriety test need to done to at the scene to determine what the alcohol or drug level may be. The officer who stops you is trained extensively in all DWI testing, writing reports, handing out citations and appearing in court. On the other hand, a Dallas DWI lawyer is trained just as extensively. After all of that is done and you are in court, the judge has to determine if the officer followed the steps involved in your arrest, properly. The steps that were taken produce the elements of your case. If the officer did not follow procedures properly, then the elements may be compromised. These elements are what the Dallas DWI lawyers will challenge and make the state prove all the elements existed, without a reasonable doubt

Seeing that you are facing a DWI charge and your mental state of mind is probably not at it's best, are you ready to face a judge and a jury all your own? Most people are not and that is why it is very important that you find a Dallas DWI lawyer to help protect your rights when your case goes to court.

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